Book Summary: The Squiggly Career by Helen Tupper and Sarah Ellis

The Squiggly Career by Helen Tupper and Sarah Ellis Book Cover

The Squiggly Career by Helen Tupper and Sarah Ellis is a must-read for anyone who wants to break free from the traditional linear career path and embrace a more flexible, winding, and fulfilling professional journey. This book challenges the idea that a successful career is one that follows a straight and narrow path from point A to point B. Instead, it promotes the idea of a squiggly career, where you zigzag your way through different roles, industries, and experiences to create a unique and fulfilling professional journey.

Chapter 1: The Rise of the Squiggly Career

The first chapter of the book introduces the concept of the squiggly career and why it has become increasingly popular in today’s workplace. The authors argue that the traditional linear career path is no longer relevant in a world where people are living longer, changing careers more frequently, and seeking more meaningful work. They also highlight the benefits of a squiggly career, such as increased flexibility, creativity, and fulfillment.

Chapter 2: The Power of the Squiggly Mindset

In this chapter, the authors explore the mindset required to embrace a squiggly career. They encourage readers to let go of the fear of failure, to be open to new experiences, and to embrace uncertainty. They also provide practical tips for developing a growth mindset, such as seeking feedback, taking risks, and learning from mistakes.

Chapter 3: The Art of Networking

Networking is a crucial skill for anyone looking to build a successful squiggly career. In this chapter, the authors provide practical advice on how to network effectively, including how to attend events, how to approach people, and how to maintain connections over time. They also emphasize the importance of building a diverse network, rather than just focusing on people in your industry.

Chapter 4: The Power of Sideways Moves

Sideways moves, or lateral moves, can be a powerful way to build a squiggly career. In this chapter, the authors provide examples of how sideways moves can lead to new skills, new experiences, and new opportunities. They also provide practical advice on how to navigate sideways moves, such as how to negotiate a salary increase and how to maintain momentum.

Chapter 5: The Art of Saying No

Saying no can be a difficult skill to master, especially in a world where we are often encouraged to say yes to every opportunity. In this chapter, the authors provide practical advice on how to say no gracefully and how to prioritize your own goals and values. They also emphasize the importance of setting boundaries and avoiding overcommitment.

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Chapter 6: The Power of Reflection

Reflection is an important tool for anyone looking to build a successful squiggly career. In this chapter, the authors provide practical advice on how to reflect on your experiences, what you’ve learned, and where you want to go next. They also provide exercises for readers to help them identify their strengths, values, and goals.


Overall, The Squiggly Career by Helen Tupper and Sarah Ellis is a must-read for anyone who wants to break free from the traditional linear career path and embrace a more flexible, winding, and fulfilling professional journey. The book provides practical advice on how to build a squiggly career, including how to develop a growth mindset, how to network effectively, how to navigate sideways moves, and how to reflect on your experiences. Whether you’re just starting out in your career or looking for a change, this book will inspire you to take control of your professional journey and create a unique and fulfilling career that fits your own unique strengths, values, and goals.

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