Book Summary: It’s the Manager by Jim Clifton

It’s the Manager by Jim Clifton Book Cover

Welcome to the book summary of “It’s the Manager” by Jim Clifton. This book is all about the importance of managers in the workplace and how they can make or break a company’s success. The author, Jim Clifton, is the CEO of Gallup, a leading research company that specializes in studying human behavior and motivation. In this book, he shares his insights on the role of managers in creating a positive work environment and how they can drive employee engagement and productivity.

The book starts by introducing the concept of “the manager” as the most important factor in a company’s success. Clifton argues that managers have a significant impact on employee engagement, productivity, and turnover. He cites research that shows that managers account for at least 70% of the variance in employee engagement scores. This means that even if a company has great policies and benefits, if the manager is not supportive and engaging, the employees will not be motivated to perform at their best.

Chapter 1: The Manager’s Role

In the first chapter, Clifton defines the role of the manager as a coach and a leader. He argues that managers should be focused on developing their employees and helping them reach their full potential. This means providing feedback, setting clear expectations, and creating a culture of accountability. Managers should also be leaders who inspire their teams to achieve their goals and create a sense of purpose.

Chapter 2: The Manager’s Impact

In this chapter, Clifton discusses the impact that managers have on their employees. He cites research that shows that managers account for at least 70% of the variance in employee engagement scores. This means that even if a company has great policies and benefits, if the manager is not supportive and engaging, the employees will not be motivated to perform at their best. Clifton also discusses the impact of toxic managers, who can create a negative work environment and drive employees to leave the company.

Chapter 3: The Manager’s Skills

In this chapter, Clifton discusses the skills that managers need to be effective. He argues that managers need to be skilled coaches who can provide feedback and help their employees develop their skills. They also need to be leaders who can inspire their teams to achieve their goals and create a sense of purpose. Clifton also discusses the importance of emotional intelligence, which he sees as a critical skill for managers.

Chapter 4: The Manager’s Mindset

In this chapter, Clifton discusses the mindset that managers need to have to be effective. He argues that managers need to be focused on developing their employees and helping them reach their full potential. They also need to be leaders who can inspire their teams to achieve their goals and create a sense of purpose. Clifton also discusses the importance of creating a culture of accountability, where employees are held accountable for their performance and given feedback to help them improve.

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In conclusion, “It’s the Manager” by Jim Clifton is a thought-provoking book that highlights the critical role of managers in creating a positive work environment and driving employee engagement and productivity. The book provides valuable insights into the skills and mindset that managers need to be effective, as well as the impact that they have on their employees. Overall, this book is a must-read for anyone who wants to create a successful and engaged workforce.

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