Book Summary: Do Scale by Les McKeown

Do Scale by Les McKeown Book Cover

Do Scale by Les McKeown is a book that focuses on the idea of scaling a business. The author, Les McKeown, is a business consultant and coach who has worked with numerous companies to help them grow and scale their businesses. In this book, he provides readers with practical advice and strategies for scaling their own businesses.

Chapter 1: The Scale Paradox

The first chapter of the book introduces the idea of the scale paradox. This refers to the fact that as a business grows, it becomes more difficult to manage and maintain. McKeown argues that in order to scale a business successfully, leaders must be able to navigate this paradox and find ways to maintain control while also allowing the business to grow.

Chapter 2: The Four Stages of Business Growth

In this chapter, McKeown outlines the four stages of business growth: launch, survive, cope, and scale. He argues that each stage requires a different approach to leadership and management, and that leaders must be able to adapt their strategies as the business grows.

Chapter 3: The Founder’s Trap

This chapter focuses on the challenges that founders face as they try to scale their businesses. McKeown argues that founders often struggle to let go of control and delegate responsibilities, which can hinder the growth of the business. He provides strategies for founders to overcome this challenge and scale their businesses successfully.

Chapter 4: The Role of the Leader

In this chapter, McKeown discusses the importance of leadership in scaling a business. He argues that leaders must be able to communicate a clear vision for the future of the company and inspire their team to work towards that vision. He also emphasizes the importance of building a strong leadership team and delegating responsibilities effectively.

Chapter 5: The Strategy of Intentionality

This chapter focuses on the idea of intentionality in business. McKeown argues that in order to scale a business successfully, leaders must be intentional about their decisions and actions. He provides strategies for creating a clear vision and mission for the company and aligning all aspects of the business around that vision.

Chapter 6: The Power of the Team

In this chapter, McKeown discusses the importance of building a strong team in order to scale a business. He argues that leaders must be able to identify and attract talented individuals who share the company’s values and vision. He also emphasizes the importance of creating a positive company culture that inspires and motivates employees to work towards the company’s goals.

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Chapter 7: The Art of Scaling

The final chapter of the book provides a summary of the key strategies for scaling a business. McKeown emphasizes the importance of being intentional, building a strong team, and delegating responsibilities effectively. He also provides practical advice for managing growth and avoiding common pitfalls that can hinder the scaling process.


Overall, Do Scale is a valuable resource for anyone looking to scale their business. McKeown provides practical advice and strategies for navigating the challenges of growth and building a successful, sustainable business. Whether you’re a founder, a leader, or simply someone interested in business growth, this book is worth reading.

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