Book Summary: Good Morning, Monster by Catherine Gildiner

Good Morning, Monster by Catherine Gildiner Book Cover

Good Morning, Monster is a memoir written by Catherine Gildiner. The book is an account of the author’s life, starting from her childhood until she becomes a therapist. The book is divided into several chapters, each of which focuses on a particular period of the author’s life. The book is a powerful and emotional read that takes the reader on a journey through the author’s struggles with mental illness, abuse, and addiction. The book is a must-read for anyone who has ever struggled with mental health issues or knows someone who has.

Chapter Summaries

1. The author introduces herself and her family. She talks about her parents’ divorce and how it affected her. She also talks about her younger brother and how he was the “golden child” of the family. The author describes her own struggles with mental illness and how she was institutionalized at a young age.

2. The author talks about her time in a psychiatric hospital. She describes the harsh realities of life in the hospital and how it affected her. She also talks about the people she met there and how they helped her.

3. The author talks about her time in boarding school. She describes the strict rules and regulations of the school and how it affected her. She also talks about her first love and how it ended.

4. The author talks about her time in college. She describes the freedom and independence she felt and how it affected her. She also talks about her first job and how it helped her to grow.

5. The author talks about her marriage and how it affected her. She describes the abuse she suffered at the hands of her husband and how it affected her.

6. The author talks about her struggles with addiction. She describes how she turned to drugs and alcohol to cope with her mental illness and how it affected her.

7. The author talks about her journey to becoming a therapist. She describes how her own struggles with mental illness led her to want to help others. She also talks about the challenges she faced in her career and how she overcame them.

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Good Morning, Monster is a powerful and emotional read that takes the reader on a journey through the author’s struggles with mental illness, abuse, and addiction. The book is a must-read for anyone who has ever struggled with mental health issues or knows someone who has. The author’s honesty and vulnerability are refreshing and inspiring. The book is a reminder that no matter how dark things may seem, there is always hope for a brighter tomorrow. Overall, Good Morning, Monster is a book that will stay with you long after you have finished reading it.

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