Book Summary: Me and White Supremacy by Layla Saad

Me and White Supremacy by Layla Saad Book Cover

Me and White Supremacy by Layla Saad is a powerful and thought-provoking book that challenges readers to confront their own internalized racism and white supremacy. The book is divided into 28 chapters, each focusing on a different aspect of white supremacy and how it manifests in our daily lives. Through personal anecdotes, thought-provoking exercises, and practical advice, Saad encourages readers to take a critical look at their own beliefs and behaviors and work towards dismantling white supremacy in themselves and their communities.

In the first chapter, Saad introduces the concept of white supremacy and how it permeates every aspect of our society. She defines white supremacy as “a system of structural and institutional barriers, violence, and oppression that benefits and privileges white people at the expense of people of color.” Saad argues that white supremacy is not just a historical phenomenon, but is alive and well in the present day, and that it is up to all of us to dismantle it.

Chapter 2: White Supremacy and the Law

In this chapter, Saad discusses the ways in which white supremacy is embedded in the legal system, from the criminalization of people of color to the lack of representation in the judicial system. She also explores the history of racist laws and policies that have targeted people of color and how these have shaped our current legal system.

Chapter 3: White Supremacy and Education

Saad examines the ways in which white supremacy is perpetuated through the education system, from the lack of representation of people of color in textbooks and curricula to the ways in which schools are funded and resources are distributed. She also discusses the importance of teaching about racism and white supremacy in schools.

Chapter 4: White Supremacy and Media

In this chapter, Saad looks at the media industry and how it perpetuates white supremacy through the portrayal of people of color and the lack of representation behind the scenes. She also discusses the importance of supporting media created by people of color.

Chapter 5: White Supremacy and Religion

Saad explores the ways in which white supremacy is embedded in religious institutions and beliefs, from the history of religious justifications for slavery and colonialism to the lack of representation of people of color in religious leadership. She also discusses the importance of dismantling white supremacy within religious institutions.

Chapter 6: White Supremacy and Culture

In this chapter, Saad examines the ways in which white supremacy is perpetuated through popular culture, from the lack of representation of people of color in media to the appropriation of cultural traditions and practices. She also discusses the importance of supporting and amplifying the voices of people of color in the arts.

Chapter 7: White Supremacy and Language

Saad explores the ways in which language is used to perpetuate white supremacy, from the use of racist and dehumanizing language to the erasure of people of color from history and culture. She also discusses the importance of using inclusive and respectful language.

Chapter 8: White Supremacy and Sexuality

In this chapter, Saad examines the ways in which white supremacy is perpetuated through sexuality and relationships, from the fetishization and exoticization of people of color to the lack of representation of people of color in sexuality education and healthcare. She also discusses the importance of centering the experiences of people of color in conversations about sexuality and relationships.

Chapter 9: White Supremacy and Family

Saad explores the ways in which white supremacy is perpetuated through family dynamics and relationships, from the lack of representation of people of color in family structures to the ways in which white privilege is passed down through generations. She also discusses the importance of dismantling white supremacy within families.

Chapter 10: White Supremacy and Friendships

In this chapter, Saad examines the ways in which white supremacy is perpetuated through friendships, from the lack of representation of people of color in social circles to the ways in which white privilege is reinforced through social interactions. She also discusses the importance of building relationships with people of color and amplifying their voices.

Chapter 11: White Supremacy and Community

Saad explores the ways in which white supremacy is perpetuated through community dynamics, from the lack of representation of people of color in community leadership to the ways in which white privilege is reinforced through community events and initiatives. She also discusses the importance of building inclusive and equitable communities.

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Chapter 12: White Supremacy and Personal Growth

In this chapter, Saad examines the ways in which white supremacy is perpetuated through personal beliefs and behaviors, from internalized racism to the ways in which white privilege is reinforced through individual actions. She also discusses the importance of taking personal responsibility for dismantling white supremacy.

Chapter 13: White Supremacy and Allyship

Saad discusses the role of allyship in dismantling white supremacy, from the importance of educating oneself to the ways in which allies can support people of color in their work to dismantle white supremacy. She also discusses the importance of being accountable to people of color and centering their voices in allyship work.

Chapter 14: White Supremacy and Activism

In this chapter, Saad examines the ways in which white supremacy is perpetuated through activism and social justice work, from the lack of representation of people of color in movement leadership to the ways in which white privilege is reinforced through activist spaces. She also discusses the importance of centering people of color in activism and social justice work.

Chapter 15: White Supremacy and Accountability

Saad discusses the importance of accountability in dismantling white supremacy, from the need for white people to take personal responsibility for their actions to the ways in which institutions and systems can be held accountable for perpetuating white supremacy. She also discusses the importance of centering the voices of people of color in accountability work.

Chapter 16: White Supremacy and Healing

In this chapter, Saad explores the ways in which white supremacy harms people of color and the importance of healing from the trauma of racism. She discusses the importance of self-care and community care in the work of dismantling white supremacy.

Chapter 17: White Supremacy and Privilege

Saad examines the ways in which white privilege is perpetuated through individual actions and systemic structures, from the ways in which white people benefit from the legacy of slavery and colonialism to the ways in which white privilege is reinforced through everyday interactions. She also discusses the importance of acknowledging and challenging white privilege.

Chapter 18: White Supremacy and Fear

In this chapter, Saad explores the ways in which white supremacy perpetuates fear and anxiety around people of color, from the ways in which fear is used to justify violence and oppression to the ways in which fear is reinforced through media and cultural narratives. She also discusses the importance of challenging fear and building trust with people of color.

Chapter 19: White Supremacy and Resistance

Saad examines the ways in which white supremacy is perpetuated through resistance and backlash, from

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