Book Summary: Rise of the Rocket Girls by Nathalia Holt

Rise of the Rocket Girls by Nathalia Holt Book Cover

Rise of the Rocket Girls is a non-fiction book written by Nathalia Holt that chronicles the journey of the women who worked at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) during the early years of the space program. The book focuses on the contributions of these women to the field of rocket science and how their work helped shape the course of space exploration.

Chapter 1: The Beginning

The book begins with the story of the founding of JPL and how it was initially funded by the U.S. government to develop rockets for military purposes. The first chapter introduces the reader to the women who were hired as “human computers” to perform complex calculations by hand. These women were often the only ones capable of handling the math required for rocket science, and they played a crucial role in the development of early rockets.

Chapter 2: The Redstone Arsenal

In the second chapter, the reader is introduced to the Redstone Arsenal in Huntsville, Alabama, where the Army’s rocket program was based. The women who worked at JPL were often sent to Huntsville to work on the rockets being developed there. The chapter also discusses the competition between the Army and NASA for funding and resources, and how this impacted the work of the women at JPL.

Chapter 3: The Mercury Program

The Mercury Program was the first human spaceflight program in the United States, and JPL played a key role in its success. The women at JPL were responsible for calculating the trajectories of the rockets that launched the first American astronauts into space. The chapter also discusses the challenges faced by the women as they tried to balance their work with their roles as wives and mothers.

Chapter 4: The Apollo Program

The Apollo Program was the most ambitious space project in American history, and JPL played a critical role in its success. The women at JPL were responsible for designing and testing the rockets that would take astronauts to the moon. The chapter also discusses the challenges faced by the women as they tried to break down barriers and gain recognition for their work in a male-dominated field.

Chapter 5: The Aftermath

After the Apollo Program, JPL shifted its focus to other projects, such as the development of the Space Shuttle and the Hubble Space Telescope. The women at JPL continued to make important contributions to these projects, but their work was often overshadowed by the men who received more recognition and credit. The chapter also discusses the challenges faced by women in the workplace as they tried to balance their work with their personal lives.

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Rise of the Rocket Girls is a fascinating look at the women who helped shape the course of space exploration. The book highlights the important contributions of these women to the field of rocket science and how their work helped advance the cause of space exploration. Despite the challenges they faced as women in a male-dominated field, the women at JPL persevered and made important contributions to the development of rockets and space exploration. The book is a must-read for anyone interested in the history of space exploration or the role of women in science and technology.

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