Book Summary: The Curious History of Dating by Nichi Hodgson

The Curious History of Dating by Nichi Hodgson Book Cover

The Curious History of Dating by Nichi Hodgson is a fascinating exploration of the evolution of dating and courtship rituals throughout history. The book delves into the origins of dating, from ancient civilizations to the present day, and examines how cultural, social, and technological changes have shaped our romantic lives. In this summary, we will explore the key themes and takeaways from each chapter of the book.

Chapter 1: A Brief History of Dating

The first chapter of The Curious History of Dating provides an overview of the history of dating, from the ancient world to the present day. Hodgson traces the origins of dating back to ancient civilizations such as the Greeks and Romans, who viewed courtship as a way to establish social status and power. She also explores the role of religion in shaping dating rituals, from arranged marriages in ancient India to the Christian tradition of chaperones in the West.

Chapter 2: The Victorian Era

In the second chapter, Hodgson delves into the dating customs of the Victorian era. She explains how the rise of industrialization and urbanization led to a shift in courtship rituals, with young people seeking out new forms of entertainment and leisure activities. Hodgson also explores the role of etiquette and manners in the Victorian era, which dictated everything from how to greet a suitor to how to hold a teacup.

Chapter 3: The Roaring Twenties

The third chapter focuses on the dating scene of the Roaring Twenties. Hodgson explains how the rise of jazz and flapper culture led to a newfound sense of liberation and independence for young women. She also explores the rise of the “flapper” as a symbol of modernity and sexual freedom, and how this newfound independence led to a shift in dating customs.

Chapter 4: The Post-War Boom

The fourth chapter examines the dating scene in the post-war boom era of the 1950s. Hodgson explains how the return of soldiers from war led to a surge in marriage rates and the rise of the suburbs. She also explores the role of television and other forms of mass media in shaping dating rituals, as well as the emergence of new forms of courtship such as “group dates” and “double-dating.”

Chapter 5: The Sexual Revolution

The fifth chapter delves into the sexual revolution of the 1960s and 1970s. Hodgson explains how the rise of feminism and the pill led to a newfound sense of sexual freedom and experimentation. She also explores the impact of the AIDS epidemic on dating and courtship rituals, and how this led to a new emphasis on safe sex and sexual responsibility.

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Chapter 6: The Digital Age

The sixth chapter explores the impact of technology on dating and courtship rituals in the digital age. Hodgson explains how the rise of online dating and social media has transformed the way we meet and connect with potential partners. She also explores the challenges and opportunities of online dating, from the rise of “ghosting” to the potential for finding love in cyberspace.


In conclusion, The Curious History of Dating by Nichi Hodgson is a fascinating exploration of the evolution of dating and courtship rituals throughout history. From ancient civilizations to the present day, Hodgson provides a comprehensive overview of the key themes and takeaways from each chapter of the book. Whether you’re interested in the history of dating or simply looking for insights into modern courtship rituals, The Curious History of Dating is a must-read.

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