Book Summary: The War on Normal People by Andrew Yang

The War on Normal People by Andrew Yang Book Cover

The War on Normal People is a book written by Andrew Yang, an entrepreneur and politician who ran for the Democratic nomination for President of the United States in 2020. The book explores the impact of automation and artificial intelligence on the economy and society, and how it has led to the displacement of millions of workers across the country. The book also offers solutions to address this issue and provide a better future for all Americans.

Chapter 1: The Rise of Automation

In the first chapter, Yang discusses the rise of automation and how it has been slowly replacing human workers in various industries. He argues that while automation has brought many benefits to society, such as increased efficiency and productivity, it has also led to the loss of millions of jobs. Yang also highlights the fact that the impact of automation has been felt disproportionately by workers in lower-income communities and those without college degrees.

Chapter 2: The Disappearing Middle Class

In the second chapter, Yang examines the impact of automation on the middle class. He argues that as more jobs are lost to automation, the middle class is shrinking, and more Americans are being pushed into poverty or forced to take low-paying jobs with little security or benefits. Yang also discusses how the decline of the middle class has contributed to the rise of income inequality and the growing divide between the rich and poor.

Chapter 3: The Future of Work

In the third chapter, Yang looks at the future of work and how automation will continue to shape the economy. He argues that while automation will bring many benefits, such as increased productivity and efficiency, it will also lead to the loss of many more jobs. Yang suggests that we need to prepare for this future by investing in education and training programs that will help workers acquire the skills needed to succeed in a world where automation is increasingly prevalent.

Chapter 4: Universal Basic Income

In the fourth chapter, Yang proposes a solution to the problem of automation and the decline of the middle class: universal basic income (UBI). He argues that UBI would provide a safety net for all Americans, regardless of their employment status, and would help to address the growing divide between the rich and poor. Yang also discusses the potential benefits of UBI, such as reducing poverty and inequality, and providing a foundation for economic growth and innovation.

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Chapter 5: The Politics of UBI

In the fifth chapter, Yang discusses the political challenges of implementing UBI. He argues that while UBI has the potential to address many of the problems caused by automation, it will require a significant shift in the way we think about the role of government and the economy. Yang also discusses the potential opposition to UBI from both the left and the right, and how we can overcome these obstacles to make UBI a reality.


Overall, The War on Normal People is a thought-provoking book that highlights the challenges posed by automation and the decline of the middle class. Yang’s proposal for universal basic income is a bold and innovative solution that has the potential to address many of these challenges. While the book may be controversial, it is an important contribution to the ongoing debate about the future of work and the role of government in addressing the challenges of automation and inequality.

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