Book Summary: Voodoo Histories by David Aaronovitch

Voodoo Histories by David Aaronovitch Book Cover

Voodoo Histories: The Role of the Conspiracy Theory in Shaping Modern History by David Aaronovitch is a book that delves into the world of conspiracy theories and their impact on history. The author argues that conspiracy theories have played a significant role in shaping modern history, and that they have had a profound effect on society.


In the introduction, Aaronovitch explains that he became interested in conspiracy theories after noticing how they seemed to be everywhere. He realized that these theories were not just harmless internet rumors, but had real-world consequences. He decided to write this book to explore the origins of these theories and their impact on history.

Chapter 1: The Da Vinci Code

The first chapter of the book examines the popular conspiracy theory that Jesus Christ was married to Mary Magdalene and had children. Aaronovitch explains how this theory was popularized by Dan Brown’s novel The Da Vinci Code, which became a bestseller and spawned a movie adaptation. The author argues that while the theory is interesting, there is no evidence to support it, and it has had a negative impact on Christianity.

Chapter 2: The Protocols of the Elders of Zion

The second chapter looks at the notorious anti-Semitic text The Protocols of the Elders of Zion. Aaronovitch explains how this document, which purports to be a secret plan by Jewish leaders to take over the world, has been used to justify anti-Semitic violence and persecution. He also discusses how the document is a fake, and how its origins can be traced back to Tsarist Russia.

Chapter 3: The Moon Landings

In the third chapter, Aaronovitch examines the conspiracy theory that the moon landings were faked. He explains how this theory has gained traction in recent years, thanks in part to the internet and social media. The author argues that while there are some inconsistencies in the official story, there is no evidence to support the claim that the landings were faked.

Chapter 4: 9/11

The fourth chapter looks at the conspiracy theories that surround the September 11 terrorist attacks. Aaronovitch explains how there are many different theories, ranging from the government being involved in the attacks to the attacks being a hoax. He argues that while there are some unanswered questions, there is no evidence to support these theories.

Chapter 5: The Death of Princess Diana

The fifth chapter examines the conspiracy theories that surround the death of Princess Diana. Aaronovitch explains how there are many different theories, ranging from the British royal family being involved in her death to her death being a hoax. He argues that while there are some inconsistencies in the official story, there is no evidence to support these theories.

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In the conclusion, Aaronovitch argues that while conspiracy theories can be fun to talk about, they can also have serious consequences. He argues that they can divide society, and that they can be used to justify violence and persecution. He also argues that we need to be critical of the information we consume, and to question sources that peddle falsehoods.

Overall, Voodoo Histories is a thought-provoking book that examines the role of conspiracy theories in shaping modern history. It is a must-read for anyone interested in history, politics, or society.

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