Book Summary: Steven Hill – Raw Deal by Steven Hill

In his book “Raw Deal,” Steven Hill explores the growing income inequality in America and its impact on the economy, society, and politics. He argues that the current economic system is rigged in favor of the wealthy and powerful, and that it is time for a new economic model that puts people first.

Chapter 1: The Rise of Income Inequality

In the first chapter, Hill lays out the case for why income inequality is a major problem in America. He explains how the top 1% of the population has seen their income skyrocket while the middle class has stagnated, and how this has led to a host of social and economic problems.

Chapter 2: The Myth of the Free Market

In this chapter, Hill debunks the idea that the free market is the solution to all economic problems. He argues that the free market has been hijacked by corporations and the wealthy, who use their power to rig the system in their favor.

Chapter 3: The Role of Government

Hill argues that the government has a crucial role to play in addressing income inequality. He proposes a number of policies that would help to level the playing field, including a guaranteed minimum income, universal healthcare, and free education.

Chapter 4: The Power of Corporations

In this chapter, Hill explores the role of corporations in perpetuating income inequality. He argues that corporations have too much power and that they are not accountable to the public. He proposes a number of reforms that would help to rein in corporate power, including breaking up monopolies and holding corporations accountable for their actions.

Chapter 5: The Future of Work

In the final chapter, Hill looks towards the future and explores how technology and automation are likely to impact the job market. He argues that we need to be proactive in addressing these challenges and that we need to ensure that everyone has access to education and training so that they can adapt to the changing job market.

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In conclusion, “Raw Deal” by Steven Hill is a thought-provoking book that explores the growing income inequality in America and what can be done about it. Hill makes a compelling case for why we need to fundamentally rethink our economic system and put people first. Whether you are a policy wonk or just someone who is concerned about the state of the economy, this book is definitely worth reading.

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