Book Summary: The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People by Stephen R. Covey

The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People by Stephen R. Covey Book Cover

Written by Stephen R. Covey, “The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People” is a best-selling self-help book that focuses on teaching readers the principles of effectiveness and efficiency in both their personal and professional lives. The book has sold over 25 million copies worldwide and has been translated into 40 languages. It is considered a classic in the personal development genre and has influenced countless people to improve their lives.

Chapter Summaries

Chapter 1: Proactivity

In the first chapter, Covey introduces the concept of proactivity, which is the ability to take control of one’s life and make things happen rather than reacting to events as they happen. He argues that the most effective people are proactive and take responsibility for their own lives. The chapter also includes a story about a man named Victor Frankl who survived a concentration camp and learned the importance of taking control of one’s own life.

Chapter 2: The Law of the Mind

In this chapter, Covey explains the law of the mind, which states that we get what we focus on. He argues that in order to be effective, we must focus on the things that are important and ignore the things that are not. The chapter includes exercises to help readers identify their values and priorities and focus on them.

Chapter 3: The Law of the Emotional Bank Account

In this chapter, Covey introduces the concept of the emotional bank account, which is the amount of trust and goodwill that exists between two people. He argues that in order to be effective, we must build up our emotional bank accounts with others by being empathetic and understanding. The chapter includes exercises to help readers improve their communication and relationship skills.

Chapter 4: The Law of Quality

In this chapter, Covey explains the law of quality, which states that the quality of our lives is determined by the quality of our interactions with others. He argues that in order to be effective, we must strive for excellence in all aspects of our lives, including our relationships. The chapter includes exercises to help readers improve their communication and relationship skills.

Chapter 5: The Law of Synergize

In this chapter, Covey introduces the concept of synergy, which is the idea that the whole is greater than the sum of its parts. He argues that in order to be effective, we must work together with others and combine our strengths to achieve greater results. The chapter includes exercises to help readers identify their strengths and work together with others.

Chapter 6: The Law of Submission

In this chapter, Covey explains the law of submission, which states that in order to achieve greatness, we must submit ourselves to a higher power or authority. He argues that in order to be effective, we must have a sense of purpose and direction in our lives. The chapter includes exercises to help readers identify their purpose and values.

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Chapter 7: The Law of the Golden Rule

In this final chapter, Covey introduces the golden rule, which is the idea that we should treat others as we would like to be treated. He argues that in order to be effective, we must have empathy and understanding for others and treat them with respect. The chapter includes exercises to help readers improve their communication and relationship skills.


Overall, “The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People” is a comprehensive guide to living an effective and fulfilling life. The book’s principles are timeless and applicable to all areas of life, making it a valuable resource for anyone looking to improve their personal and professional lives. By focusing on proactivity, empathy, and synergy, readers can develop the habits and mindset necessary to achieve greatness and live a life of purpose.

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